Some losses, though painful, are easier to bear because they fit with our understanding of the world. The loss of an elderly grandparent is an example of such a loss. But when we experience a loss that doesn’t fit within the natural order, such as the loss of a child, it is devastating and creates long-term grief. Violent and accidental deaths also create long-term trauma and grief.
Sometimes, we experience multiple losses over a short period of time. At this point, individuals and families can experience profound or complicated grief. This grief is even more layered and can resemble a deep depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Grief counseling can help with these things.
Not all losses are this severe. Loss occurs in many forms, and we often need to work through a process of grieving even when moving to a new home, breaking up with a significant other, or losing a beloved pet.
Grieving is an important process, and moving through the stages of mourning rather than being caught in a melancholic cycle is paramount to any level of recovery. With grief counseling I can assist you in this process.
If you are interested in south Orange County grief counseling please call me today at 949-370-4726.