“Depression is not sobbing and crying and giving vent, it is plain and simple reduction of feeling.”
― Judith Guest
It’s been depicted as “the noonday demon,” “black dogs nipping at your heels,” “a feeling of being in quicksand.” If you have experienced depression, you know its debilitating power and seeming endlessness. The most unnerving fact about depression is that its very presence renders the afflicted unable to care for herself, much less get help. Yet, depression therapy is a must for anyone suffering from its lifeless emptiness. How do you know when your “blues” qualify for depression therapy? When does sadness become abject hopelessness and consequently requires therapeutic intervention?
To answer this question we must look at the difference between normal sadness and depression. When humans experience any sort of loss in life, it’s normal to react with sadness, and depending on the magnitude of the loss, sometimes incapacitating grief. But we are a resilient species, and many people, though glum or even despondent, manage to complete their day to day tasks, maintain relationships, and still practice self-care. They eat properly, squeeze in a little exercise, and carry out basic personal hygiene. Perhaps most important is that they still FEEL, even if those feelings are somewhat dulled.
We know we’ve crossed the line from sadness to true, clinical depression when we simply EXIST. There seems to be no point to anything. Life becomes just a meaningless series of hollow days, days to be endured, not lived. All the color in life ebbs away, leaving only gray. One of the biggest symptoms? Our fascinating interests, hobbies, and activities lose their allure. Inveterate readers lose interest in books, passionate artists have no desire to paint, and avid exercisers can’t bear the thought of running a city block. Apathy rules the day. Untreated, and in certain cases, this state of mind can lead to suicidal ideation, or, at the very worst, actual suicide.
To find out more about depression therapy, click the Counseling & Therapy link on Dr. Walsh’s home page, then click Depression Therapy. There is no reason to suffer and with Dr. Walsh’s help, you don’t have to.