South OC Counseling

Piper Walsh, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist
Call Now (949) 370-4726

Therapy for Children, Adolescents, Adults in South Orange County

In Individual Counseling Orange County Clients Discover the Beauty in Everyday Life.

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Listen, life isn’t when you are standing on top of a mountain looking at a sunset. Life isn’t waiting at the altar or the moment your child is born or that time you were swimming in a deep water and a dolphin came up alongside you. These are fragments. 10 or 12 grains of sand spread throughout your entire existence. These are not life. Life is brushing your teeth or making a sandwich or watching the news or waiting for the bus. Or walking. Every day, thousands of tiny events happen and if you’re not watching, if you’re not careful, if you don’t capture them and make them COUNT, you could miss it. You could miss your whole life.”
― Toni Jordan, Addition

Toni Jordan is an Australian-born author whose debut novel “Addition” is coming soon to the U.S. market. In the above quote, Toni makes the observation that life is what happens in the smallest of moments. To fully appreciate life, we must learn to find value in the everyday. In Orange County Individual counseling with Psychotherapist Dr. Piper Walsh helps clients learn to appreciate and find value in their everyday life, and discover how to make their life line up more closely to the life they envision for themselves.

Individual Counseling Can Help

Often people will describe having a feeling that life is passing them by, or that they are waiting for their life to “begin.” When we don’t appreciate the life we’re in, we may feel like our “real life” is yet to come. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In Orange County Individual counseling Dr. Walsh, people are able to learn how to identify and appreciate the things that make life rich and to truly enjoy life, now. For Orange County Individual counseling, your best resource is Dr. Piper Walsh.

Dr. Walsh provides Orange County individual counseling in San Clemente, Talega, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Ladera Ranch, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Aliso Viejo, El Toro, Lake Forest, and Irvine.


In Men’s Therapy San Clemente Men Discover New Meaning

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“I didn’t know what exhausted me emotionally until that moment, and I realized that the experience of being a soldier, with unlimited license for excess, excessive violence, excessive sex, was a blueprint for self-destruction. Because then I began to wake up to the idea that manhood, as passed onto me by my father, my scoutmaster, my gym instructor, my army sergeant, that vision of manhood was a blueprint for self-destruction and a lie, and that was a burden that I was no longer able to carry. It was too difficult for me to be that hard.”
― Utah T. Phillips

Men’s Therapy Can Help Everyone

It’s more common than we often recognize, that emotional exhaustion that the poet Utah T. Phillips describes. Trying to live up to that mythical image of manhood, – it can weigh down a man. It can be suffocating. Still, knowing what to replace it with, what can replace the “lie” is often an unknown that can keep men from finding release from this “burden” they carry. In men’s therapy San Clemente Psychotherapist Dr. Piper Walsh works with current and former soldiers and those who have been serving as “warriors” on other fronts – often in business. Often they come to Dr. Walsh not sure why they feel as they do. All they know is that life isn’t satisfying. They aren’t happy. They need to find a solution. Dr. Walsh helps her clients discover what is at the heart of their concerns and find lasting solutions.

How Can Therapy Help Men

In Men’s therapy San Clemente Dr. Piper Walsh helps clients address core issues while also addressing symptoms which often include a mixture of depression, anxiety, withdrawal, violence, overeating, infidelity and/or substance abuse. In men’s therapy San Clemente men are able to discover new strengths from within. Dr. Walsh helps her clients develop new approaches to solving old problems and find new ways to achieve success.

In addition to San Clemente, Dr. Walsh serves clients in many of California’s South Orange County communities including Talega, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Ladera Ranch, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Aliso Viejo, El Toro, Lake Forest and Irvine.

With Parenting Therapy San Clemente Parents Solve Tough Parenting Questions

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“Children are people, and they should have to reach to learn about things, to understand things, just as adults have to reach if they want to grow in mental stature. Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality. The important thing is to teach a child that good can always triumph over evil.”
―Walt Disney.

At first you might think it strange that the Walt Disney would say that it would be “untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows.” After all, Disneyland is “The Happiest place on Earth,” where nothing bad happens as a matter of company policy. But any fan of Walt Disney movies know that there is always a villain, always evil to overcome, and the lesson of every Disney movie is the struggle and triumph of right over wrong. That’s the lesson. In Dr. Piper Walsh’s parenting therapy San Clemente parents can talk openly and honestly about their struggles with parenting, ask questions and find effective parenting solutions that work at every age.

Parenting Therapy for all Parents

Logically, we know can’t shield our kids from everything or protect them from ever experiencing pain or disappointment, but in our hearts we want to. So how far do we go? How do we protect our children without shielding them from the realities of life? How do we begin to “let go?” When is it ok to our children make mistakes? And what if we, as co-parents, disagree? All parents struggle with these questions.

In parenting therapy San Clemente parents proactively address potentially problematic behaviors and develop effective tools to successfully parent their children without the typical spiral into frustration, anger and despair. Dr. Walsh’s safe and confidential environment provides a great opportunity to discuss and practice positive methods of discipline, setting limits, and minimizing conflict in the home. For parenting therapy San Clemente has a great resource in Dr. Piper Walsh.


Seeking Marriage Counseling in San Clemente

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“All my life I thought that the story was over when the hero and heroine were safely engaged — after all, what’s good enough for Jane Austen ought to be good enough for anyone. But it’s a lie. The story is about to begin, and every day will be a new piece of the plot. ”

― Mary Ann Shaffer, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Think about marriage as a story. The hero and heroine marry. This is the beginning of the story, Chapter One. Every day brings new twists and turns for the hero and heroine and it’s up to them together to create the story they want it to be. When you got married, what kind of story did you want to create? Were you hoping for romantic comedy or a love story of epic proportions? If your marriage is looking a bit like “The Walking Dead,” or your last discussion with your spouse was more “Twightlight Zone” than “Twilight,” maybe it’s time to consider marriage counseling. Dr. Piper Walsh is a Psychotherapist who provides marriage counseling in San Clemente. Dr. Walsh has helped many marriages. With her guidance couples re-connect, communicate effectively and find their way back to trust, intimacy, and passion in their relationship.

The key to any good relationship is great communication. When the communication breaks down, financial setbacks, parenting challenges, career stress or intimacy issues can seem like unmovable obstacles. Both verbal and nonverbal communication can lead to hurt feelings, resentment and disappointment. When there is emotional or physical abuse, including anything that leaves either partner feeling depressed, insecure, or disregarded, the marriage cannot be healthy. If you are thinking about marriage counseling in San Clemente, consider Dr. Walsh. Dr. Walsh understands the complexities of marriage. She knows that every marriage is unique as are its challenges.

Start Today – Marriage Counseling in San Clemente

If you are ready for marriage counseling and your partner is not, you might consider going for yourself. Your spouse may decide to join you in time. If you are considering marriage counseling San Clemente therapist Dr. Piper Walsh is the one to call. She helps both partners to better understand their motivations and deeply-held beliefs, and to appreciate the parts they each play in creating a healthy, strong relationship. For marriage counseling in San Clemente call Dr. Walsh today and turn the page to a new chapter in your love story!